Pennsylvania State University, Office of the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education records, 1962-2007.


Pennsylvania State University, Office of the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education records, 1962-2007.

This collection, dating from 1962, has regular additions from the Office of the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education. Its files include primarily program proposals from colleges and campuses with supporting documentation. The collection also contains meeting records from the Administrative Council on Undergraduate Education, the Alliance for Undergraduate Education, the President's Council on Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention (and under its former name of President's Council on Undergraduate Retention), Penn State Fund for Research, the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) Advisory Board, the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Instruction, and University Advising Council. Administrative files include memos or correspondence confirming administrative actions taken regarding the subject. Subjects include admissions; enrollment management; minority retention; academic assistance; course bulletin publication; strategic planning; student aid; faculty development and workload; undergraduate research; University Scholars program; Seed Grants; first year seminars; orientation; Freshman Testing, Counseling, and Advising Program (FTCAP); summer sessions; and First Year Experience. FTCAP files include handouts for each year. Also includes student reading records (on microfilm) and a presentation to incoming students related to FTCAP (on 1 CD-R). This collection also documents the introduction of an electronic student registration and records system (1981-1987).

1 CD-R.

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